Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Gospel Music

There's Power in the Blood
I'll Fly Away
When We All Get to Heaven
How Great Thou Art
Tis So Sweet to Trust in Jesus

There is the order for senior's day tomorrow. Good to go, let's do this thing.

Songs like this give me hope that one day we will return to writing songs that endure for the church about the power of the gospel, hope and faith.

Do you remember when O Brother Where Art Thou? came out a few years ago. The movie was great, but the music was incredible and inspired thousands to remember how powerful acoustic (bluegrass) music is connecting our hearts to our minds.

Well, senior's day won't be that kind of experience, but I'm thankful that I get to play music with my friend Chris. And I'm thankful as well that it reminds me of where I came from and paints a picture of where I think faith leads us.

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