Monday, March 31, 2008

Notes from Sunday

The following are some of the notes from Kinnaman's talk at CCV.

What is our motive as we follow Christ?
-Make disciples or make Christians to occupy buildings?

Christianity no longer looks like Jesus intended it to look.
-This is a difficult statement to make and even more difficult to understand.
-The message of Jesus will be offensive does mean that we have to offend.

What are the images of our faith?
How are they being expressed in our lives?

Depth in our faith.
-We've embraced Jesus, but haven't become disciples.
-He shared a freakish stat about the amount of Christians that don't embrace a Biblical world view. If you've read the book you've seen this chart.

He shared from Luke 7.
-Jesus feet are anointed with oil by the sinful woman.
-Jesus tells the parable of forgiven debt

She gave because she was forgiven much by Jesus. Simon didn't give because he embraced an idea, but not a faith with depth. His faith was a barrier to others and not a bridge.

Is your life a spiritual barrier to others?

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